Quando si parla di matrimoni di lusso in Italia, poche destinazioni possono competere con la bellezza e l’esclusività della Liguria, e in particolare con il celebre borgo di Portofino. Per Ugo e Chiara, una coppia milanese dal gusto raffinato, questo angolo di paradiso è stato il luogo perfetto per celebrare il loro amore in grande stile. La loro storia d’amore si è svolta in una delle location più iconiche della Liguria: Villa Durazzo, una villa storica che si affaccia sul mare cristallino, con vista su uno dei paesaggi più famosi d’Italia.
Un Matrimonio a Portofino tra eleganza e storia
Ugo e Chiara hanno scelto di celebrare la loro unione in una piccola chiesa vicino al mare, un luogo che ha saputo combinare l’intimità con la magia della costa ligure. La cerimonia religiosa è stata emozionante e raccolta, seguita da un raffinato ricevimento che ha avuto luogo al Carillon di Portofino, un locale esclusivo che affaccia direttamente sul mare.
Al Carollon di Portofino “La Dolce Vita” Incontra il Lusso Contemporaneo
Dopo la cerimonia, gli sposi e i loro ospiti si sono diretti verso il Carillon di Portofino, un luogo che incarna perfettamente lo spirito della Dolce Vita. Recentemente rinnovato dalla catena Vesta e arredato in modo esclusivo da Dolce & Gabbana, il Carillon è una delle location più eleganti per matrimoni a Portofino. Gli ombrelloni in stile maiolica e le cabine da mare richiamano l’atmosfera vintage degli anni ’60, quando divi del calibro di Brigitte Bardot sceglievano Portofino per le loro vacanze estive. Questo mix di eleganza retrò e lusso moderno ha creato un’atmosfera unica, perfetta per una festa indimenticabile.
Chiara era splendida nel suo abito da sposa su misura creato dall’atelier Revenge, una scelta perfetta per una giornata così speciale. Il design dell’abito ha saputo combinare classe e modernità, esaltando la sua bellezza naturale e riflettendo il tema elegante e chic del matrimonio. L’attenzione ai dettagli, dalla scelta dell’abito alla cura dell’atmosfera, ha contribuito a rendere il matrimonio di Ugo e Chiara un’esperienza esclusiva e straordinaria.
Un Matrimonio estivo elegante e iconico.
L’atmosfera della serata è stata resa ancora più speciale dal gruppo musicale Italian Gipsy, che ha accompagnato la cena con un sound coinvolgente e ha fatto ballare gli invitati fino a tarda notte. L’incredibile location, l’eleganza degli sposi, e la musica che ha creato un’atmosfera festosa, hanno fatto di questo matrimonio un evento indimenticabile, che ha saputo unire eleganza, lusso e spensieratezza.
Matrimonio di Lusso in Liguria: Un’Esperienza Unica
Questo matrimonio a Portofino è stato un esempio perfetto di come un matrimonio di lusso in Liguria possa essere diverso dal solito. Ugo e Chiara hanno scelto una location che si distacca dai cliché delle ville opulente, ma che conserva tutta l’eleganza e lo charme di un luogo esclusivo. La Liguria, con i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato e le sue ville storiche, è una delle destinazioni più affascinanti per chi sogna un matrimonio da favola in Italia.
Se stai pianificando un matrimonio di lusso in Liguria, scegli una location esclusiva per matrimoni come il Carillon di Portofino, dove il lusso e la bellezza naturale si fondono per creare un’esperienza unica.

Come fotografa di matrimoni esclusivi in Italia, la mia missione è catturare la bellezza e l’emozione di ogni momento, creando immagini che raccontino la storia del tuo giorno speciale. Se sogni un matrimonio elegante e unico in una location esclusiva come Portofino o la Liguria, sarò felice di accompagnarti con la mia esperienza per realizzare fotografie che ti accompagneranno per tutta la vita.

Wedding Dress: Revenge Atelier https://www.instagram.com/revengeatelier/
Wedding Venue: Vesta Portofino Dolce e Gabbana
Wedding photographer: Veronica Onofri
Wedding video: https://www.instagram.com/whiteandmovie/
Wedding Planner: Ilaria Veggi:
Flowers: https://www.instagram.com/sogno.floreale/
Music: italian Gipsy:
MUA: Federica Pitto:

Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and prosecco on the terrace
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and bridemaids with prosecco getting realdy
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera bride and mom with prosecco getting realdy
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera bride dress by Revenge atelier
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera bride getting ready
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride go to the cerimony in Portofino
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, historic church in Santa Margherita Ligure
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride getting ready with mum
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with bouquet going to the cerimony in Portofino Taking photos in front of the exclusive beach club in Portofino
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with bouquet going to the cerimony in Portofino Taking photos in front of the exclusive beach club in Portofino the red famous restaurant Langosteria
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with bouquet going to the cerimony in Portofino Taking photos in front of the exclusive beach club in Portofino the famous red luxury redstaurant in Langosteria
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with the amazing  dress by Revenge Atelier
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with bouquet going to the cerimony in a vintage car
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with bouquet going to the cerimony in Portofino, groom with mum in font of the church
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with bouquet going to the cerimony in Portofino by vintage car
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with bouquet going to the cerimony with dad
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with groom during the cerimony
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, wedding details
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, cerimony bride and groom outside the churh smiling
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom outside the church during the traditional rice toss
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, groom smiling with guests at the end of the cerimny
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride with bouquet with guests, photo with flash
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, guests going to the aperitive
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom going to the aperitive by vintage car,timeless photo by Veronica Onofri
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom kissing in the car
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom's shooting in portofino, timeless ed editorial photos by Veronica Onofri
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom's shooting in portofino, timeless ed editorial photos by Veronica Onofri
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom's shooting in portofino, timeless ed editorial photos by Veronica Onofri
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride dress details timeless ed editorial photos by Veronica Onofri
Elegant wedding in Portofino, with a view of the Ligurian bay, celebration at the historic Vesta Portofino by Dolce & Gabbana venue, capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, luxury venue in Portofino, venue details  timeless ed editorial photos by Veronica Onofri
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom' at the aperitive in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom' at the aperitive in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom' at the aperitive in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana, sunset during the aperitive by the sea
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana, sofa designed by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera,  aperitive in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana, sunset by the sea
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera,  aperitive with prosecco in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and groom' at the aperitive in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, guest at the aperitive in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and friends  at the aperitive in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, Music in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, speches during the dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and friends dancing during dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, bride and the band dancing during the dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, italin gipsy band playng during the dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, groom and bride dancing during the dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, guest dancing during the dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, guests dancing during the dinner in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, wedding cake in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana
Elegant wedding in Portofino,  capturing the atmosphere of the Dolce Vita and the Italian Riviera, wedding cake in one of the most luxury venue in portofino, the Vesta Portofino by Dolce e Gabbana